Check Dry Eye

12 Symptoms Check

Are you affected by dry eye?
You can easily check by your symptoms!

Check the results

Your dry eye is

*The rating scale consists of 13 levels (0 to 12).
Higher values indicate higher severities for dry eye.

You must be alert. If you experience any severe symptoms, see an ophthalmologist. If your symptoms persist for a long period of time, see an ophthalmologist. See an ophthalmologist immediately! Treatments suitable for your symptoms can be provided at the clinic.


*The rating scale consists of 13 levels (0 to 12).
Higher values indicate higher severities for dry eye.

You checked Yes for the following items:
For a detailed explanation, click the button for each item.

  • One survey at a certain medical institution reported that about 60% of patients who complained of eye strain were affected by dry eye.

  • Patients with dry eye may have injuries on the surface of their eyes (cornea). Pain in the eye may be felt upon blinking when the eyes are dry because the cornea is sensitive to pain.

  • Tears consist of three components in respective layers: oil, water, and mucin. In the presence of a sufficient amount of water, which is one of the three components, tears can wash away dust and other unwanted substances (old stores of oil and mucin, the two remaining components of tears). In patients with dry eye, however, such unwanted substances remain in the eye because of a lack of tears, which in turn causes eye discharges to form.

  • In dry eye, a foreign body sensation may be felt in your eyes because of injuries to the eye surface.

  • Patients with dry eye may have injuries on the surface of their eyes (cornea). Pain in the eye may be felt upon blinking when the eyes are dry because the cornea is sensitive to pain. This pain causes the reflexive secretion of tears.

  • In dry eye, dryness of the eyes can influence visual acuity because the eye surface is injured or tears do not stably stay on the eye surface.

  • Dry eye patients with light injuries on the surface of their eyes may feel not only pain, but also itching.

  • Patients with dry eye may have injuries on the surface of their eyes (cornea). Pain in the eye may be felt upon blinking when the eyes are dry because the cornea is sensitive to pain. In the absence of pain, a heavy feeling or hot sensation in the eyes may be felt.

  • The condition of dry eye is characterized by eye surface injuries due to dryness of the eyes. Injuries on the eye surface can cause inflammation, resulting in red eyes.

  • Patients with dry eye may have injuries on the surface of their eyes (cornea). Pain in the eye may be felt upon blinking when the eyes are dry because the cornea is sensitive to pain. In the absence of pain, a heavy feeling or hot sensation in the eyes may be felt.

  • Patients with dry eye may have injuries on the surface of their eyes (cornea).

  • Patients with dry eye may have injuries on the surface of their eyes (cornea). Injuries to the cornea may cause the patient to be dazzled by light.

Please note this is just a simple self-assessment questionnaire and not a diagnostic tool for identification of dry eye.