
What is Dry Eyes?

Defeat Dry Eye Troubles! Dry eye, the sneaky culprit behind eye surface injuries, tear imbalances, and insufficient tear volume, has become a buzzword in our tearful journey. As we embrace a world of aging grace, air conditioners, computers, smartphones, and contact lenses have taken center stage, fueling the rise of dry eye patients. It's time to bid farewell to dryness and welcome a vibrant lifestyle, where your eyes shine bright in perfect balance. Get ready to experience a world of tearful bliss like never before!

Takenori, et. Al. Scientific Reports. Maximum blink interval is associated with tear film break up time: A new simple, screening test for dry eye disease. Published online September 2018.


Causes of dry eyes:

Dry eye affects both genders but are prevalent in females due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, oral contraceptive use and menopause
Digital Device Use
Prolonged use of digital device without regular blinking can cause greater tear evaporation
Prolonged Contact Lens Use
Long hours of contact lens use can cause dry eyes
Medical Conditions
Nasal decongestants, antidepressants and certain blood pressure medications can cause dry eyes.

If you have dry eyes,
you may feel:

A scratchy sensation
A feeling that something
is in your eyes
Stinging or burning
Episodes of excess tearing that follow periods of dryness
Discharge, pain and redness
Heavy eyelids and even
blurred vision

Treatments for dry eye may make you feel more comfortable.
These treatments can include lifestyle changes.


Tears are more than just an emotional response

Your tears help your eyes lock in as much moisture as it can. Every blink replenishes the
tear film and rehydrates your eyes before they dry out.