When your eyes are exposed to allergens (like dust, pollen, pet fur) or dry weather, you could end up with red, watery eyes (epiphora).1.
1Epiphora, Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan Health System
Keep your home clean and close your windows to reduce dust and smoke from traffic from triggering your sensitive eyes.
2Office characteristics and dry eye complaints in European workers – The OFFICAIR study
Avoid staying too long in windy or dry-aired places. Air-conditioned rooms can quickly dry up the moisture in your eyes. Add a humidifier too to maintain the level of moisture in the air around you3.
3Chris Haupert MD, Tara Novick BSN MSN, Whitney Seltman MD. Don’t Ignore Dry Eyes. Health Encyclopedia, University of Rochester Medical Center
With all-day hydration for both eyes and contacts, you can enjoy total eye relief with each drop.
1Yamguchi, Kutsuna, Maruo, Hara, Sustained effects of sodium hyaluronat on tear film stability evaluated by Tear Stability Analyss, Nippon Ganka Zasshi, 2011 Feb; 115 (2):134-41
2Kawahara M., et al. Journal of the Eye 21, 11:1561-1564, 2004
3Chang, W-H: Liu, P.Y.; Lin, M.H.; Lu, C-J.; Chou, H.Y., Nian, Applications of Hyaluronic Acid in Ophthalmology and Contact Lenses. Molecules 2021, 26, 2485.