Human Rights

The company committed to respecting and protecting human rights through its business activities, and stably performing its activities.

Human Rights Policy

Santen has established the "Santen Group Human Rights Policy" in order to promote and develop respect for Human Rights globally.

Santen Group Human Rights Policy

The Santen Group contributes to building a society where everyone is fully respected through its initiatives to deliver "Happiness with Vision" to people around the world. We will fulfill our responsibility to ensure full respect for human rights, which is a prerequisite for the above.

The Santen Group understands that addressing the following human rights issue is an important part of our human rights responsibilities. We respect the dignity and rights of all people, not only within the Santen Group, but also those affected by our business activities.

We will never tolerate the infringement of human rights in any form, such as through discrimination, harassment, forced labor, child labor, or human trafficking on any basis, such as nationality, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious faith, creed, experience, specialty, values, or lifestyle. We will respect the dignity and rights of everyone affected by our business activities, not only within the Santen Group.

We will respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate.

We will comply with the laws and regulations regarding working hours and wages, occupational safety and health in the countries and regions where we do business.

We will also engage in continuous and effective activities in complete support of international norms(*).

  1. Applicable laws and regulations
    The Santen Group will comply with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it operates. If there is any gap between the internationally approved concept of human rights and applicable national laws and regulations, we will conform to the higher standards. If there is any contradiction between them, we will pursue the way that ensures full respect for human rights based on the internationally approved concept of human rights.
  2. Human rights due diligence
    The Santen Group will identify the impact of its business on human rights and check the status of its human rights compliance on a regular basis. If any of our business partners disagree with following the Santen Group Human Rights Policy or violate it, we will respond to them appropriately, including cancelling contracts with them.
  3. Education and awareness-raising
    The Santen Group will implement employee education and awareness-raising initiatives so that each employee will raise their awareness of respecting human rights, and be able to act with respect for human rights and prevent human rights violations.
  4. Information disclosure, dialogue, and discussion
    The Santen Group will report on its website and provide other information on the progress of its initiatives to ensure full respect for human rights. We also engage in sincere dialogues and discussions with related stakeholders.
  5. Remedies
    If the Santen Group's business activities prove to have had or been involved in any adverse impact on human rights, we will take appropriate measures to remedy any impacts on those who are affected.
  • International norms:
    Includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; United Nations Global Compact; United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; and the Declaration of Helsinki, a set of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects

Established: January, 2022

  • This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Human Rights Training

Believing that all employees, who have been becoming more diverse due to the globalization of our business, must respect human rights and act in accordance with a high standard of ethics, the company has enhanced training programs and other measures to raise employees' awareness of respect for human rights. In Japan, we provide education about harassment and discrimination cases, the desired behavior of employees, and other topics, on the occasion of new employee training and e-learning-based follow-up training. In addition, newly appointed managerial staff are required to receive training to learn the roles and desired behavior of managerial staff through case studies on harassing behavior.

Human Rights-Related Consulting & Reporting Desk

The company sets up a "Speak Up Portal" where employees as well as third parties can consult and report issues online or by phone in any language in the world to accept various consultations and reports on harassment, discrimination, and other human rights-related issues from all employees, including contract and temporary staff. We respond appropriately to accepted consultations and reports with full consideration of personal information and privacy.

Respect for Human Rights in Supply Chain

It is important to fulfill its social responsibilities throughout the supply chain, including not only its own company but also its business partners. The company conducts human rights due diligence and confirms the status of business partners and respond appropriately to matters related to respect for human rights, including the prohibition of discrimination and non-compliance with human rights violations, including the rights of workers, such as the prohibition of child labor and forced labor.

Respect for Human Rights in R&D

The company retains a Research Ethics Committee to protect the human rights of patients participating in clinical trials, and is taking appropriate measures.

Freedom of Association

The company respects human rights of employees and engage in collective bargaining with employee unions.

Fair Recruitment and Selection

The company retains the policy of recruiting and selecting new employees without regard to the applicants' nationality, place of origin, sex, family situation, or creed, etc., which are unrelated to the applicants' aptitude or abilities.

In the employee selection process, we conduct fair recruitment and selection based on the appropriateness and ability of applicants without asking inappropriate questions that may violate human rights.