Sustainability Library

Santen discloses our thoughts and initiatives about Sustainability mainly on this Sustainability site, the Environment Data, Social Data, Governance Data, the Integrated Report (Annual Report) and so on.

GRI Standards Content Index

The index shows locations on our website that correspond to disclosures required by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards.

Environment Data

The performance indicators such as Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 Category 2 and Category 3, Energy usage, Total renewable energy usage, Total waste disposed, Total waste recycled/reused, Total amount of waste reduced, Total waste landfilled, Total hazardous waste disposed, Total hazardous waste recycled/reused, Total amount of hazardous waste reduced, Hazardous waste landfilled, Water usage, Total discharge of environmental data are assured by a third party to improve reliability.

Social Data

Number of employees by gender and hierarchy, Average annual salary by gender and rank, Workplace fatality (consolidated, Japan, China), and Occupational accident frequency rate  (consolidated, Japan) are assured by a third party to improve reliability.

Governance Data

ESG Data Book

The performance indicators such as Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 Category 2 and Category 3, Energy usage, Total renewable energy usage, Total waste disposed, Total waste recycled/reused, Total amount of waste reduced, Total waste landfilled, Total hazardous waste disposed, Total hazardous waste recycled/reused, Total amount of hazardous waste reduced, Total hazardous waste landfilled, Water usage, Total discharge of environmental data, Number of employees by gender and hierarchy, Average annual salary by gender and rank, Workplace fatality (consolidated, Japan, China), and Occupational accident frequency rate(consolidated, Japan) are assured by a third party to improve reliability.