Digital Transformation (DX)

One of the key management strategies at Santen is to enhance digital capabilities from a company-wide perspective. In the global healthcare market, we see an acceleration toward business models that leverage digital technologies to create new products and services. We aim to grow medium- to long-term corporate value by becoming even more competitive and engaging in advanced digital governance.

Digital Strategy

The Santen digital strategy consists of a three-layered structure: DX for social value creation, DX for operational excellence, and DX for organizational capability.

DX for social value creation means solving social issues by introducing digital health services and optimizing commercial excellence through digitalization. DX for operational excellence produces cost efficiencies and creates value via global-level process innovation and data utilization. In this way, we facilitate rapid decision making and business development.

DX for organizational capability inspires new work styles in digital workplaces. It also strengthens information security and digital governance against business continuity risks.
The organic integration of these initiatives will ensure the success of Santen business and management.

Strengthening Digital Governance

In February 2022, Santen became a certified Digital Transformation Business Operator under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. (updated in February 2024) The certification recognized our efforts to meet the certification criteria under the Digital Governance Code, which stipulates actions that business managers are expected to implement in order to boost corporate value, and that the Company conducts appropriate information disclosure to its stakeholders.

Furthermore, our information security policy conforms to ISO/IEC 27001 and we continue to strengthen initiatives to protect stakeholders. In addition to instituting cybersecurity processes, our response to information security risk also includes global training programs. We gamify these trainings for efficient learning related to cybersecurity in daily work scenarios to maintain a high level of security.

And we are implementing a next-generation enterprise resources planning (ERP) system as one means to enhance internal controls. Santen has created a team of highly specialized personnel in an agile, cross-regional organizational structure. Under the leadership of this team, we pursue a global project aimed at standardizing internal processes and improving transparency to accelerate the transformation of our business model. Leveraging standardized data infrastructure as an important management resource, we will execute more agile management decision-making, improve profitability, and create new value.

In February 2022, Santen became a certified Digital Transformation Business Operator under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

The certification recognized our efforts to meet the certification criteria under the Digital Governance Code, which stipulates actions that business managers are expected to implement in order to boost corporate value, and that the Company conducts appropriate information disclosure to its stakeholders.

Furthermore, our information security policy conforms to ISO/IEC 27001 and we continue to strengthen initiatives to protect stakeholders. In addition to instituting cybersecurity processes, our response to information security risk also includes global training programs. We gamify these trainings for efficient learning related to cybersecurity in daily work scenarios to maintain a high level of security.

And we are implementing a next-generation enterprise resources planning (ERP) system as one means to enhance internal controls. Santen has created a team of highly specialized personnel in an agile, cross-regional organizational structure. Under the leadership of this team, we pursue a global project aimed at standardizing internal processes and improving transparency to accelerate the transformation of our business model. Leveraging standardized data infrastructure as an important management resource, we will execute more agile management decision-making, improve profitability, and create new value.

Business Model Transformation: Accelerating Innovations in Ophthalmology

We are transforming our business model through the use of digital technologies across the entire value chain, from R&D and production to sales and marketing. We are converting our plants to smart factories, including in Shiga and at new facilities in Suzhou. These efforts, together with the ongoing introduction of the next generation ERP platform, are uncovering issues in the value chain, allowing us to optimize costs and create new value.

Santen is also making progress in building out our online platform for healthcare professionals and medical institutions, leading to the further development of an ophthalmic ecosystem. As an example, in February 2022, we launched the Santen Eyecare Education (SEE) portal, beginning in France and the Netherlands, and we are rolling out this program in other countries as well. The environment related to education has undergone changes since the outbreak of COVID-19. These changes include fewer opportunities for medical professionals to interact with each other. However, our new system provides interactive learning opportunities and contributes to the educational needs of local ophthalmologists.

In January 2020, we entered into a four-year partnership with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized agency of the United Nations. Our goal in this partnership is to support the Be He@lthy, Be Mobile initiative between ITU and the World Health Organization. As part of this initiative, we have developed digital health programs for developing countries in Asia and Africa to raise awareness and health literacy about myopia and myopia prevention. As a specialized company dedicated to ophthalmology, we will contribute to the further development of the ophthalmic ecosystem.

Work Style Reform and Human Resource Development through DX

We were quick in developing a remote work environment in response to COVID-19. As a Company orchestrating and mobilizing key technologies and players around the world, to deliver happiness through vision, we will continue to explore new work styles. As our global expansion gains momentum, we have adopted a new Work from Anywhere program since fiscal 2021. Under this policy, employees choose where and when to work in a flexible manner, carrying out their duties efficiently, with independence and autonomy. In this way, we attract and benefit from talented individuals who share our corporate culture. We support each individual to maximize their skills and abilities, thereby raising the overall capability of the organization. We began offering educational programs on AI and data dashboard building, which about 400 employees have taken and are now using to solve business issues as of 2022.
We will continue to solve issues through DX while utilizing the various insights gained from these activities.